Kids & Teens Volunteer

Welcome! Volunteering as a kid or teen is super fun and rewarding! Young volunteers develop qualities of kindness, teamwork, creativity, leadership, problem-solving, inclusion, integrity and compassion here at Homefront Hugs Foundation. We have the most amazing volunteers who have helped make a difference in their communities for the past 23 years, from all walks of life and abilities. YOU MAKE THE WORLD SHINE.

Volunteering is as simple as doing anything that thanks service members for your freedoms that they sacrifice so much to protect. This can be anything from collecting supplies for care packages at your school, volunteering at your local VA, adopting a service member, helping a local veteran in your community, and so much more!

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You can even start a Homefront Hugs club at your school and directly help your community! When you start a Homefront Hugs Volunteer Club at your school, you vote on the projects YOU want to do to give thanks for your freedoms! Volunteer credit can be earned for schools, jobs or applying to colleges too.

If you are interested in seeing how you or your students can make a difference in your community today, please email:




Operation Healing Angel